- Our research lab has summer (April-August) and part-time openings for excellent students and
assistants interested in gaining experience in EVOLUTIONARY AND CONSERVATION
ECOLOGY. Applicants should be in good health, be willing to travel, possess a valid driver's
licence and be prepared to work long hours in the field under all conditions. Applicants with
experience in outdoor activities, in remote camping, and in field ecology are particularly
encouraged to apply. Opportunities for concurrent data collection toward undergraduate theses
will be provided where appropriate.
- Current research projects focus on the evolution of habitat selection, on the evolution of life
histories and on their respective roles in population dynamics, in community organization, and in
the conservation of biodiversity. We are especially interested in linking the adaptive behaviours
of individuals to their population, metapopulation, community and conservation consequences.
- Field research takes place in a variety of locations and ecosystems. Recent projects have
concentrated on controlled experiments in Lakehead University's Habitron, and field studies of small mammals in boreal forests of Northwestern Ontario,
in tundra ecosystems in Nunavut, in prairie landscapes in southern Alberta and in Carolinian forests in Southwestern
Ontario. Parallel studies by graduate students have involved computer simulations, field studies on predator-prey dynamics in India and stream-dwelling
fishes in Newfoundland, and creative laboratory experiments on short-lived organisms.
Please address inquiries to:
Dr. Douglas Morris
Department of Biology
Lakehead University
Thunder Bay, ON
P7B 5E1
Applications should include a resume, a statement of goals and objectives, and the names and
phone numbers of three references.
Lakehead University is optimally located for field studies in boreal ecosystems, and as a base for
field research in western and northern Canada. Programs in Biology, Forestry and Outdoor
Recreation, Parks and Tourism share an ecological and conservation theme that is also reflected
in the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources' Centre for Northern Forest Ecosystem Research
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